
  • George Caesar

  • Pat Healy M.C.

    Mark Hinckley J.C.

    Tom Addicks J.C.

  • John Ford

    Stuart Smith

    Walter Tisdale

    Dan Hincks

    Colin Meyer

    Ed de Alba

    Hugh Hawkins

    Chip Gorra

    Scott Ferguson

    Mark Clarke

    Brad Gentry

    Welles Thurber

    Chris Hinckley

    Doug Williams

Aug. ‘69 B trip

Back Row: Tom Addicks (J.C.), Mark Hinckley (J.C.), George Caesar )T.L.)

Middle Row: Dan Hincks, Chip Gorra, ?, Walt Tisdale, Brad Gentry, Chris Hinckley

Front Row: ?, ?, Ed de’Alba, Colin Meyer, Stuart Smith, Welles Thurber, Doug Williams, ?

Missing: Pat Healy (M.C.)

Lining empty canoes up a rockpile.

Campers Ed de’Alba and Doug Williams cooking pancakes on a rest day.

Trip Leader George Caesar contemplating the complexities of leading a trip with 8 canoes (two 3-man mojo canoes) and 18 paddlers.

Campsite on Lake Mesplet.

Med Counselor Pat Healy and bowman on the Kekek River.

Junior Counselor Mark Hinckley tieing on a bow line while CK co-founder Rod Beebe, Jr. looks on.

J.C. Mark Hinckley prepares to relieve himself from the stern while bowman Chip Gorra steadies the canoe

Campers Walt Tisdale and Welles Thurber relaxing in their tent.

Camper Stuart Smith pulling hard left in a rapid on the Kekek River.

T.L Gearge Caesar and camper Stuart Smith in the same rapid on the Kekek.

Ed de’Alba (in blue cap, sitting on the canoe), Dan Hincks (in red cap with blue coat and blue jeans), and two unidentified campers preparing for a canoeing lesson.

Ibby Williams (wife of Carl Williams) is in the left backround, leaning on the canoe.

Unidentified camper at the start of the portage from Lac Bernier into Lac Tete.

Ed de’Alba and Stuart Smith cleaningntheir dinner breakfast plates for the wallopers (dishwashers for the day).

T.L Gearge Caesar in the stern with Brad Gentry in the bow and Welles Thurber in the middle.

Lifting over a beaver dam.

J.C. Mark Hinckley in, aparently, his favorite red chamois shirt.

Campers Walt Tisdale (in the bow) and Chris Hinckley (in the stern).